

Start a California NonProfit 501(c)3

Form a Charity or Foundation

Since 1983 we have helped thousands of organizations become 501(c)3 Tax Exempt NonProfit Corporations or Associations. Whether you need to file as a charitable, educational, religious or scientific organization our decades of experience will get you from  start to finish with your IRS Letter of Determination arriving faster than anywhere else in the world of nonprofit formation. In California we begin by determining the ideal approach- normally one of two different nonprofit corporation types or in some limited cases an unincorporated nonprofit association. Your activities including fundraising may begin immediately- the exempt recognition we receive from the IRS and Franchise Tax Board will be retroactive to the date we file your Articles of Incorporation. We will provide you with everything necessary to represent your organization properly during and after the filing and recognition processes including donation receipts. In California the process is to form as a nonprofit entity and then file for exempt recognition at the federal and state levels. There are some organization types that benefit from adjustments to that format. Family Foundations, Private Operating Foundations and Private Foundations have additional requirements. All 501(c)3s have other additional required filings including the reporting of your officers to the Secretary of State and additionally most organizations that engage in fundraising are required to register with the California Attorney General. Our expertise is to see that you most quickly move from the initial formation to reach full compliance in the shortest period of time. We are a phone call away at 310-963-7640 to helping you realize your nonprofit dreams!

Over the course of our time helping many new charities begin work on their dreams in the nonprofit world we have established a substantial network of operating nonprofits. We promote cooperative relationships within our family to expand their missions and fundraising capabilities.

A sample of our clients are profiled here:

Tax Free Charity Client Profiles

Once a California Nonprofit has become fully compliant with the federal and state governments there are annual and biennial returns and reports that must be filed to remain active. For most California nonprofits both IRS and Franchise Tax Board returns are filed along with a report to the Attorney General and a Statement of Information (list of corporate Officers) that the Secretary of State requires every other year. The primary exception is for any religious House of Worship which is exempt from everything but the Statement of Information. Many of our clients use our continuing services to keep their annual returns and reports up to date.

If you are with an existing charity, foundation or other organization that has been revoked or suspended we have strong working relationships with the agencies that will have to approve your reinstatement. We have provided assistance to hundreds of California Nonprofits with problems from minor to serious. Call us to find out how we can assist you in having your suspension or revocation lifted in order to bring you back to an active status as a California 501(c)3 Nonprofit. We can explain the process to you so you will have a complete understanding of the specific steps required to regain your status along with the measures you can take to avoid problems in the future.


Does your (proposed) Charity Organization qualify for Tax Exemption under IRS 501(c)3?


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We're the fastest to bring you to Exemption- We currently have clients receiving their IRS 501(c)3 Letter of Determination following 1023 application submission in:

2 1/2 Weeks