There are two types of costs associated with starting California NonProfit Corporations or Asociations and attaining recognition from the I.R.S. and the California Franchise Tax Board as a 501(c)3 NonProfit Tax Exempt Organization:
Application Fees (click for explanation)
Preparation Fees (click for explanation)
To determine the total cost to start a California NonProfit Tax Exempt Organization, you must know whether you are going to Incorporate or operate as an Unincorporated NonProfit Association. We can then determine both the Application Fees and the Preparation Fees based upon the activities you will be performing. Don't be misled by quotes that do not include Application Fees; many newly formed NonProfit organizations discover additional- and substantial- Application Fees only after the process has already begun and when it's too late to do anything but forge forward with the process.
At, we disclose each specific fee, every application and every penny your organization will be required to pay up front in order to reach full compliance from both the State of California and the Internal Revenue Service. We’re the “No Surprises” Experts in starting California NonProfit Corporations and Tax Exempt Associations.
Application Fees of all California Filings Costs for a California NonProfit Corporation will be $115.00 for all NonProfit Public Benefit Corporations (the most common type of charitable entity formation in California), $90.00 for a NonProfit Religious Corporation or $25.00 for an Unincorporated Nonprofit Association.
Preparation Fees are based upon the total time required to complete the required filings. We Guarantee the Lowest Price to start California NonProfit Organizations.
At, we have clients who require as little as $200.00 in Preparation Fees to reach the necessary recognition for their type of California NonProfit entity, and on the other hand we also form complicated multiple-tier Tax Exempt California Nonprofit Corporations that require up to $1600.00 in Preparation Fees. Most California NonProfit Organization filings fall in between.
In order to give you an exact quote, we establish some basic information that will let us put the package together that fulfills your California NonProfit Organization's needs exactly. We’ll do only what is required make you fully compliant on both the State and Federal levels.
Call us at (310) 963-7640 and we’ll explain exactly which services are required to start a NonProfit Corporation for you, and exactly how much it will cost. Full fee disclosure is the first step in starting a NonProfit down the road to success.